TLOU Discussion (spoilers ahead)

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TLOU Discussion (spoilers ahead)

Postby meecrofilm » Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:12 pm

Re: the delay between seasons, I think it's a legit gripe. I'm not saying to have season 2 shot and in the can before season 1 even airs, but the notion that they haven't even started on scripts... It seems not only lazy, but a bad creative choice in a show when you're dealing with young actors. This is less of an issue in TLOU because Bella probably isn't going to change/grow that much, but it has really hurt Stranger Things and forced them to changed the original vision of the show.

Writing a full season on spec might be risky, but if you're trying to run a hit show, I feel like the risk is worthwhile. All imho of course.
I'm with you on this. so many of these shows are super short seasons, TLOU was 9 eps. was there more they could've included? I never played the game so I don't know. so you have just over 2 months of episodes and now it'll be probably 16-24 months before we get anything new.
maybe my attention span is lacking but by then, I've completely forgotten what happened and sometimes, forgotten that a show existed at all.
It's semantics, but the season was original 10 eps, which is standard for prestige TV, if not on the longer side. Only reason it's 9 is they decided to combine eps 1 and 2 since it made more narrative sense in setting up the story. Hence why that ep was so long.

I'm fine with the gap, btw. A lot changes between 1 and 2, Ellie chief among them, so I think some extra time away might have the intended effect of really feeling her evolution whenever we return. Not that I wouldn't complain if it were sooner, but there's some much goddamn stuff to watch anyway I won't exactly be hurting for content in the meantime.

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TLOU Discussion (spoilers ahead)

Postby tifosi77 » Wed Mar 15, 2023 1:11 pm

So as per my usual, I'm watching these episodes several times before I'm able to move on with my life. Missed it entirely the first time, then I thought I saw it the second time through, and had to re-watch the scene a third time before I was (pretty) sure of it:
Abby is in the hospital scene at the end of Ep 9.

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TLOU Discussion (spoilers ahead)

Postby NTP66 » Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:58 pm

Very late to the game, but just finished season 1. Probably the best show of 2023 for me, and I cannot wait for a season 2.

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