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Postby dodint » Thu May 16, 2019 12:36 pm

Probably less because she's a mother. Wouldn't want to deprive a child of that upbringing.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Morkle » Thu May 16, 2019 12:36 pm

I mean it's fine, it's a classification. Are we a society trying to progress this Earth for the betterment of mankind? Or are we nothing more than animals striving to be the top of the food chain and that involves being predators to ourselves.

I'm fine with either, but you don't get to be both, imo.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Morkle » Thu May 16, 2019 12:37 pm

The presumption that this person would be spending the rest of their natural life in prison is erroneous imo. 10 years, max, with the understanding that it would likely be more like 5-7 years+ parole.
I called that out above, this person will not see anything more than what you're describing. I am very much agreeing that my premise is flawed.

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Postby NailedPenguin » Thu May 16, 2019 12:39 pm

Just f***ing astounding.
Alyssa Milano

This is my daughter. Her rights are human rights.


I mean, she's off the effin deep end so feel free to share her other tweets, but picking this one?
Just learned MO passed a law nearly identical to AL, no allowance for rape or incest.
I guess I'll go buy stock in clothes hangers. Good job "conservatives" :face:

Using that picture and "this is my daughter" to advocate for abortion. It's topical and just a monumental self own. That's why I shared it.

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Postby CBear3 » Thu May 16, 2019 12:47 pm

A) it doesn't show her daughter's face, so at least she's keeping some anonymity.
B) Her mother seriously believes that abortion is a woman's health issue
C) While she's most likely at a point in her life where she wouldn't have to make that decision, her daughter is now growing up in a world where if she gets raped she can be forced to wake up every single day with a reminder of what some dadhole man did to her. And hey, that guy might get punished, but probably won't be in jail as long as the baby is in her womb, or could become president since we seem to only give lip service about despising absolute shithole human beings who are capable of that.

But it's none of my....OH Effin wait. It is my business and I've got experience with it having two young daughters who won't get to decide for themselves and a wife who has been a victim.

So yeah, put me in the #sexstrike is dumb category, and Handmaid's Tale comparisons are an overreaction, but this actually means something.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Morkle » Thu May 16, 2019 12:50 pm

Also, is it true that while abortions are now illegal, nobody signed on to protect and aide these people when they do have these kids? So they're willing to say, you can't get an abortion, but we won't help you when they're born either? Is that true? I've only been quasi following the abortion news.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby shmenguin » Thu May 16, 2019 12:55 pm

A) it doesn't show her daughter's face, so at least she's keeping some anonymity.
B) Her mother seriously believes that abortion is a woman's health issue
C) While she's most likely at a point in her life where she wouldn't have to make that decision, her daughter is now growing up in a world where if she gets raped she can be forced to wake up every single day with a reminder of what some dadhole man did to her. And hey, that guy might get punished, but probably won't be in jail as long as the baby is in her womb, or could become president since we seem to only give lip service about despising absolute shithole human beings who are capable of that.

But it's none of my....OH Effin wait. It is my business and I've got experience with it having two young daughters who won't get to decide for themselves and a wife who has been a victim.

So yeah, put me in the #sexstrike is dumb category, and Handmaid's Tale comparisons are an overreaction, but this actually means something.
No. It’s definitely more likely that she confused her grown child for an aborted fetus and was bragging about it online.

Troy Loney
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Politics And Current Events

Postby Troy Loney » Thu May 16, 2019 12:56 pm


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Politics And Current Events

Postby llipgh2 » Thu May 16, 2019 12:57 pm

Also, is it true that while abortions are now illegal, nobody signed on to protect and aide these people when they do have these kids? So they're willing to say, you can't get an abortion, but we won't help you when they're born either? Is that true? I've only been quasi following the abortion news.
That's always been the case. They fight tooth and nail when the kid is in the womb, but once it's out it's of no concern to them.

Alabama is ranked 50th in public education. Yeah, they care about the youth of the state.

Troy Loney
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Postby Troy Loney » Thu May 16, 2019 1:00 pm

A) it doesn't show her daughter's face, so at least she's keeping some anonymity.
B) Her mother seriously believes that abortion is a woman's health issue
C) While she's most likely at a point in her life where she wouldn't have to make that decision, her daughter is now growing up in a world where if she gets raped she can be forced to wake up every single day with a reminder of what some dadhole man did to her. And hey, that guy might get punished, but probably won't be in jail as long as the baby is in her womb, or could become president since we seem to only give lip service about despising absolute shithole human beings who are capable of that.

But it's none of my....OH Effin wait. It is my business and I've got experience with it having two young daughters who won't get to decide for themselves and a wife who has been a victim.

So yeah, put me in the #sexstrike is dumb category, and Handmaid's Tale comparisons are an overreaction, but this actually means something.
In the AL debate, something along the lines of "all abortion options are available for women that aren't aware they are pregnant".

We are approaching "legitimate rape" territory.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby NailedPenguin » Thu May 16, 2019 1:06 pm

A) it doesn't show her daughter's face, so at least she's keeping some anonymity.
B) Her mother seriously believes that abortion is a woman's health issue
C) While she's most likely at a point in her life where she wouldn't have to make that decision, her daughter is now growing up in a world where if she gets raped she can be forced to wake up every single day with a reminder of what some dadhole man did to her. And hey, that guy might get punished, but probably won't be in jail as long as the baby is in her womb, or could become president since we seem to only give lip service about despising absolute shithole human beings who are capable of that.
A) That's the last thing I'm concerned about.
B) Her mother also believed department store elves were giving a nazi salute and ran out of the building
C) There's 100 different ways to be taken more seriously than "Look at how I'm such a loving mother. I just want my daughter to grow up and be able to have an abortion.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby MWB » Thu May 16, 2019 1:17 pm

Abortion is part of women's rights, not the only thing.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Shyster » Thu May 16, 2019 1:50 pm

That Vegas bus thing - as horrendous as it is - seems like an overreach on the charge. I'm not sure there's any way prosecutors can establish that the woman intended for the action of pushing a man off a stationary bus to be fatal.

Maybe. Murder encompasses more than intentional behavior. There's also "depraved heart" murder, which applies when a person acts with a a "depraved heart" or a "depraved indifference" to human life and the act results in death, but the person did not explicitly act with the intent to kill. Classic examples would be someone randomly firing a gun into a crowd or driving their car at high speed down a pedestrian sidewalk with their eyes shut. Even if the perpetrator had no specific intent to kill anyone, if death actually results, those people can be charged with full murder because those acts demonstrate a complete and utter indifference to life and whether someone would die. Pushing an elderly man off a bus from a significant height could be considered so indifferent to the potential for serious injury that it would constitute murder and not merely manslaughter.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby tifosi77 » Thu May 16, 2019 2:39 pm

Does Nevada have a depraved heart standard, though? The only thing I read was the Nevada Revised Statutes that defines murder as "the unlawful killing of a human being... [w]ith malice aforethought, either express or implied"; they go on to define malice as "that deliberate intention unlawfully to take away the life of a fellow creature".

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Politics And Current Events

Postby llipgh2 » Thu May 16, 2019 2:56 pm

That Vegas bus thing - as horrendous as it is - seems like an overreach on the charge. I'm not sure there's any way prosecutors can establish that the woman intended for the action of pushing a man off a stationary bus to be fatal.
Instead of murder, would it be considered involuntary manslaughter? I'm asking attorneys on the board because I have no clue. I know there are levels of degree. That's about it.

I'm guessing her intent wasn't to kill him. But she pushed him and left him lying there while she walked away. She has to be held accountable. Maybe go with a charge that will actually stick instead of reaching for a murder verdict.

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Postby MR25 » Thu May 16, 2019 3:02 pm

I'd guess 2nd degree murder? Actions were taken by the woman, bordering on assault, that directly led to the man's death, though it was unintentional/not premeditated.

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Postby dodint » Thu May 16, 2019 3:22 pm

I'd guess 2nd degree murder? Actions were taken by the woman, bordering on assault, that directly led to the man's death, though it was unintentional/not premeditated.
Assault is the threat of violence, battery is the actual striking. Felony Battery in Nevada is "the intentional infliction of physical force against another person, such as punching another person or hitting someone with an object...battery that results in substantial bodily harm or that is committed by strangulation (Category C felony) is punishable by one to five years in prison, a fine up to $10,000, or both."

I imagine that would be the floor, with the homicide charges offering greater punishments from there.
Last edited by dodint on Thu May 16, 2019 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Freddy Rumsen
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Postby Freddy Rumsen » Thu May 16, 2019 3:23 pm

Also, is it true that while abortions are now illegal, nobody signed on to protect and aide these people when they do have these kids? So they're willing to say, you can't get an abortion, but we won't help you when they're born either? Is that true? I've only been quasi following the abortion news.
That's always been the case. They fight tooth and nail when the kid is in the womb, but once it's out it's of no concern to them.

Alabama is ranked 50th in public education. Yeah, they care about the youth of the state.
As someone who's actually done lots of work with crisis pregnancy centers the ignorance in here is astounding.

This idea that because one person supports government programs that have no track record of actual success thereby cares about post birth children versus the person who actually physically helps people in real life is just so silly.

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Postby dodint » Thu May 16, 2019 3:25 pm

Is it me or does FR continually conflate criticism of conservative politicians and their policies with the work he's doing through private charity and the church?

Willie Kool
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Postby Willie Kool » Thu May 16, 2019 3:25 pm

Public education has no track record of actual success.


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Postby Willie Kool » Thu May 16, 2019 3:27 pm

Is it me or does FR continually conflate criticism of conservative politicians and their policies with the work he's doing through private charity and the church?
He apparently doesn't subscribe to:

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

Freddy Rumsen
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Postby Freddy Rumsen » Thu May 16, 2019 3:30 pm

Public education has no track record of actual success.

Ironic that a point was made to Alabama's 50th ranked educational system. Run by the same folks you want handing out baby formula and other items that private charities can't do well?

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Thu May 16, 2019 3:31 pm

Is it me or does FR continually conflate criticism of conservative politicians and their policies with the work he's doing through private charity and the church?
He apparently doesn't subscribe to:

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"
Well I don't think the state should be handling about 90% of the things that it does... so yes?

Freddy Rumsen
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Politics And Current Events

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Thu May 16, 2019 3:36 pm

Is it me or does FR continually conflate criticism of conservative politicians and their policies with the work he's doing through private charity and the church?
The point is fairly simple. There's a multitude of logical fallacies being laid forward concerning a certain segment of the population's caring about post-birth children that is couched in a belief that not supporting State, local, and federal governmental agencies handling that work means therefore that neither are the children being cared for nor does those conservative politicians and their supporters want the best for the children.

That idea is just simply false and a terrible argument.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Shyster » Thu May 16, 2019 3:48 pm

Does Nevada have a depraved heart standard, though? The only thing I read was the Nevada Revised Statutes that defines murder as "the unlawful killing of a human being... [w]ith malice aforethought, either express or implied"; they go on to define malice as "that deliberate intention unlawfully to take away the life of a fellow creature".
NRS 200.020  Malice: Express and implied defined.

1.  Express malice is that deliberate intention unlawfully to take away the life of a fellow creature, which is manifested by external circumstances capable of proof.

2.  Malice shall be implied when no considerable provocation appears, or when all the circumstances of the killing show an abandoned and malignant heart.

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