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Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:57 am
by eddy
While searching around for bottle shops around VA Beach, I came across "Grape and Gourmet". This place looks pretty boss. I called down to get some price checks and the lady said she would pull some beers for me and even stay open later if I couldn't get there in time. I got a few bottles for the beach, plan to go back up when I don't have kids with me and really do some digging.

Anyone try any of these?

Off Color Apex Predator
Founders Blushing Monk
Evil Twin Biscotti Break
Epic Brainless Peaches


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:12 pm
by Panther
Lagunitas Hop Stoopid. It's a citra bomb. And it is excellent.
:thumb: I endorse this post.

I have a neighborhood "beer crawl" coming up. Everyone selects a beer and we go around the neighborhood spending ~15-20 min at each house trying the beer and some snacks.

Last year, I had Dogfish Head 90 min, and it went over like a lead balloon. Not Your Father's was the consensus favorite.

Obviously, I do not share fellow hop heads as neighbors. I was considering Hop Stoopid b/c I think that citra IPAs, even high ABV ones, are easier on the non-IPA crowd to get them acclimated and get a taste for them.

Does anyone have a suggestion for an "introductory" IPA? A friend suggested Bell's Two Hearted, but I don't think that's THAT friendly to beginners.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:13 pm
by slappybrown
60 minute is easier for beginners than two-hearted IMO


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:20 pm
by MR25
60 minute is probably the best entry one for the price.

You could also do Goose Island Summer, which is a pale wheat/summer/session ale. Some noticeable hop taste, but not insanely overpowering. Then again, it isn't really considered an "IPA".


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:23 pm
by count2infinity
Deschutte's Fresh Squeezed or something else super citrusy would be good. Sessions will work well too. Stuff like All Day IPA from Founders is one of the best out there. There's also Lagunita's Little Sumpin Sumpin which is a wheat ale (refreshing like a wheat, but has some hop bite to cut it from a full wheat)


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:24 pm
by slappybrown
Fresh Squeezed is a much thinner mouth feel than the others so that's a good suggestion.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:42 pm
by MR25
It's also slightly more expensive than the others.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:04 pm
by Panther
I've consumed all of these suggested brews except the Goose Island. Come to think of it, I've never had any Goose Island.

Fresh squeezed hadn't come to mind, but that's a great idea. And it's slightly more expensive, but will still be cheaper than last year's purchase of 90 min which runs $50-$55/case.

I see myself frequenting this thread. Thank you to slappy, c2i, mr25. And I welcome further suggestions if they are out there.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:15 pm
by MR25
The Goose Island was surprisingly good. The only Goose I think I had had before I tried it was their 312 Wheat Ale, which is a cheapy beer that isn't really that good aside from price point.

That said, they make Sofie (an excellent saison), and have some fairly high rated stouts that are hard to come across.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:27 pm
by Kraftster
As someone who was previously hop averse, I think 90 minute is a better choice than 60 minute for a noob. Also, I think going with a DIPA can be a good idea because there tends to be more malt balance because of the necessary sugar to get the ABV up.

I think the single most important thing would be to get something that is extremely fresh. From there, I like the All Day IPA suggestion, or Little Sumpin Sumpin is actually a great call too. Fresh Squeezed is delicious and probably not as harsh as other options (although some don't really care for citrusy IPAs, so you never know, I suppose). I would stay away from Fresh Squeezed now, though. If you happen to find it somewhere, it's going to be pretty old.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:29 pm
by Kraftster
Yeah, the old Goose Island stuff is great. The new big beer stuff blows.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:29 pm
by columbia
As someone who was previously hop averse, I think 90 minute is a better choice than 60 minute for a noob. Also, I think going with a DIPA can be a good idea because there tends to be more malt balance because of the necessary sugar to get the ABV up.
I'm still hop averse and the 90 is just a better tasting beer.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:45 pm
by Panther
Thanks for the heads up that Fresh Squeezed would be old right now. How do you know that? Brewery websites?

I agree that the DIPAs/Imperials are easier for noobs due to malt/sweetness. But still, nobody liked the 90min last year. I really don't want to give in to mass appeal, because these things are intended to broaden horizons (and get to know people, but I'm in it for the beer), but if 90min flopped, maybe I should avoid the malty/sweet deals and just go ahead with a session. Founders All Day is the new lead horse.

Or I could make everyone hate me and pick a sour :lol:


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:46 pm
by Panther
While Deschutes is on the table, does anyone know where I can find Hop Henge around the burg?


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:51 pm
by Kraftster
I think sours are highly drinkable. It boggles my mind that everyone doesn't like them, but...that's the reality.

Actually, I'm wrong on Fresh Squeezed. I thought it was seasonal (early spring), but it looks like it went to year-round production this year. Good to know.

Stay away from Chillwave, though. That's still definitely a seasonal release. The case I bought this year gave about a 2 month "drink by" window.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:54 pm
by MWB
Yeah, All Day is a good one.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:55 pm
by Kraftster
You could always broaden horizons with a saison.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:00 pm
by MR25
I think the thing about saisons, in the case of a beer tasting/trading event, is that you literally have no idea what you're going to get out of different breweries. Some are really hoppy, others lean towards a fruity side, some can be malty, and yet others have bitter aftertastes.

It's a lot better to pick a style that has general guidelines. Saisons are all over the place.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:12 pm
by eddy
While Deschutes is on the table, does anyone know where I can find Hop Henge around the burg?
I saw it around in early June in Giant Eagles, have not seen it since...


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:13 pm
by slappybrown
The Goose Island was surprisingly good. The only Goose I think I had had before I tried it was their 312 Wheat Ale, which is a cheapy beer that isn't really that good aside from price point.

That said, they make Sofie (an excellent saison), and have some fairly high rated stouts that are hard to come across.
The 312 is not very good at all, agreed.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:24 pm
by shmenguin
beer makes me feel like crap (gluten n'at). i haven't had one in over a month. over the last year, my intake has been drastically reduced. when i ended my drought the other night with a BCBS, it just didn't taste as good anymore. i feel like my body is telling me, "you want to keep drinking despite your body telling you no? well, on to phase 2 - you aren't going to like the taste any more."

f***ing s***


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:25 pm
by count2infinity
shmenguin, have you tried any of the Omission stuff? I see it all the time in the stores here.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:26 pm
by slappybrown
shmenguin, when I can come by and pick up all the beer in your basement since you're out of the beer game


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:32 pm
by shmenguin
shmenguin, when I can come by and pick up all the beer in your basement since you're out of the beer game
i may end up selling it. i will give you opportunity to join the bidding

31 bourbon county stouts + 11 barley wines
a couple KBS
a case of st bernardus christmas
8 dogfish worldwide stout from 2010
a case of dogfish worldwide stout from 2013
12 dogfish raison d'extra's (the 18% version of raison d'etre)
10 dogfish Urkontinent (one of the tastiest beers ever made IMO...which they only made once)
2 Bruery Scure's, which i've never tried, and have been aging for a couple years

so again...f***ing s***. but there is a decent pay day in there if i put in the leg work.


Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:34 pm
by shmenguin
shmenguin, have you tried any of the Omission stuff? I see it all the time in the stores here.
there's not really any point in that for me. i've snobbed out over the years and stuck to my limited amount of brands. so if i can't have those, i'd probably rather have wine than beer that i don't love.