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Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:35 pm
by count2infinity ... estigation

way worse than the UVA story from Rolling Stone. This type of behavior is despicable.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:42 pm
by columbia
These situations are awful, in terms of potentially ruining someone's life.

The unintended consequence is something I heard on the radio this morning (courtesy of the local Rush clone): snarky comments about how adult women never lie about being raped. Well, clearly some do. But the rhetoric (intentionally?) sets up a scenario, where real victims are potentially less likely to be believed.

tl;dnr People suck.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:44 pm
by count2infinity
Yup, his life is pretty much ruined (as is anyone accused of sexual assault/rape), and this only leads to more victims not being believed when they report rape or for fear of not being believed don't report it at all. This is bad for everyone.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:50 pm
by shafnutz05
That's horrific. IMO, they are not nearly hard enough on false rape accusers. It should be a felony. I certainly know that most rape accusers are telling the truth, but even if it's what, 3-8% that are lying (or even grossly misrepresenting what happened)...that accusation is an instant life-destroyer. And often times, the person that made the initial accusation is just kind of swept under the rug.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:59 pm
by grunthy
That's horrific. IMO, they are not nearly hard enough on false rape accusers. It should be a felony. I certainly know that most rape accusers are telling the truth, but even if it's what, 3-8% that are lying (or even grossly misrepresenting what happened)...that accusation is an instant life-destroyer. And often times, the person that made the initial accusation is just kind of swept under the rug.
If you are found to have lied about rap, your punishment should be serving time in jail.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:31 pm
by MWB
Definitely. The implications of just being accused are, I assume, life changing. And a withdrawal of the accusations probably does litte to put things back how they were.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:35 pm
by wallflower
John Oliver on the Patriot Act and flying to Russia to interview Snowden which is genius.


The only reason I came in this thread was to see if anyone was discussing this.

John Oliver has had a pretty good track record so far getting the generally uninterested masses to pay attention to important issues, hopefully this one works too. When Snowden started leaking the info, I had a co-worker say, completely non-plussed about it, "Of course the government is reading and looking at your texts - everyone should just accept that." I was speechless.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:39 pm
by Factorial
Rand Paul's social media person retweets this as his speech was beginning:


It's the Aurora movie theater killer James Holmes. :face: ... 1863590912

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:40 pm
by tifosi77
John Oliver on the Patriot Act and flying to Russia to interview Snowden which is genius.


The only reason I came in this thread was to see if anyone was discussing this.

John Oliver has had a pretty good track record so far getting the generally uninterested masses to pay attention to important issues, hopefully this one works too. When Snowden started leaking the info, I had a co-worker say, completely non-plussed about it, "Of course the government is reading and looking at your texts - everyone should just accept that." I was speechless.
Put me squarely in the camp that's amazed at the attitude of, "Well, I'm not doing anything illegal, so I don't have anything to worry about."

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:49 pm
by wallflower
John Oliver on the Patriot Act and flying to Russia to interview Snowden which is genius.


The only reason I came in this thread was to see if anyone was discussing this.

John Oliver has had a pretty good track record so far getting the generally uninterested masses to pay attention to important issues, hopefully this one works too. When Snowden started leaking the info, I had a co-worker say, completely non-plussed about it, "Of course the government is reading and looking at your texts - everyone should just accept that." I was speechless.
Put me squarely in the camp that's amazed at the attitude of, "Well, I'm not doing anything illegal, so I don't have anything to worry about."
The worst part is, that is the attitude most people seem to have about this. It baffles me.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:53 pm
by shafnutz05 ... .html?_r=0

If you want to see what *actual* police brutality looks like, watch the accompanying video. Absolutely disgusting. "Put your hands behind your back" after he fired eight shots into his back.

The cop is being charged with murder (yes, in South Carolina). Such a far cry from the Trayvon shooting (and even more so from the Darren Wilson incident)

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:58 pm
by columbia
North Chuck is not a place I would spend very much time.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:03 pm
by shafnutz05
North Chuck is not a place I would spend very much time.
Oh, no doubt. It's been a long time since I've been there, but I was told by my CO to not "cross the tracks" (if memory serves me correctly, on the main street (52?). In any event, that place is a total ghetto, but good to see the cop is getting what he deserves.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:24 am
by obhave ... .html?_r=0

If you want to see what *actual* police brutality looks like, watch the accompanying video. Absolutely disgusting. "Put your hands behind your back" after he fired eight shots into his back.

The cop is being charged with murder (yes, in South Carolina). Such a far cry from the Trayvon shooting (and even more so from the Darren Wilson incident)
The stills of the cop with his gun up (the "stolen" taser at his feet) and the guy running away were enough for me not to watch the video.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:30 am
by MR25
These situations are awful, in terms of potentially ruining someone's life.

The unintended consequence is something I heard on the radio this morning (courtesy of the local Rush clone): snarky comments about how adult women never lie about being raped. Well, clearly some do. But the rhetoric (intentionally?) sets up a scenario, where real victims are potentially less likely to be believed.

tl;dnr People suck.
This happened to one of my younger brother's friends. He was dating someone while he was at Pitt (I think they had been dating for a while, from what I can remember). She had sex with him, regretted it, and accused him of rape. He more or less got kicked out of Pitt (left on his own accord, but from what my brother has said, it was mostly a forced leaving) and had to try to transfer somewhere where he could get away from her. It's still weighing against him even though he's going to Purdue (I think).

The girl got nothing for falsely claiming rape, though I'm not sure he has either (likely because he left).

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:11 am
by tifosi77 ... .html?_r=0

If you want to see what *actual* police brutality looks like, watch the accompanying video. Absolutely disgusting. "Put your hands behind your back" after he fired eight shots into his back.

The cop is being charged with murder (yes, in South Carolina). Such a far cry from the Trayvon shooting (and even more so from the Darren Wilson incident)
I just saw the video. A couple observations.....

1) The cop will be convicted of a a whole litany of folonies, and;

2) he will survive less than two years in prison before being murdered.

I can't even imagine the thought process that goes on in that scenario and results in 'I, as a law enforcement officer, can lawfully shoot this person'.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:15 am
by Freddy Rumsen
I am willing to bet that we'll soon find out more about this cops background that won't make this a giant surprise.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:16 am
by columbia ... .html?_r=0

If you want to see what *actual* police brutality looks like, watch the accompanying video. Absolutely disgusting. "Put your hands behind your back" after he fired eight shots into his back.

The cop is being charged with murder (yes, in South Carolina). Such a far cry from the Trayvon shooting (and even more so from the Darren Wilson incident)
I just saw the video. A couple observations.....

1) The cop will be convicted of a a whole litany of folonies, and;

2) he will survive less than two years in prison before being murdered.

I can't even imagine the thought process that goes on in that scenario and results in 'I, as a law enforcement officer, can lawfully shoot this person'.
At what point is that just a straight up execution?

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:52 am
by Z'MaattaU
No trial. No jury. Give Scott's family guns and line em up. Put that scum in front of them and tell him run. Fire away.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:58 am
by Factorial
The war mongers are already going after Rand Paul:
In the first salvo of the 2016 Republican ad wars, a conservative group is about to unleash a seven-figure ad campaign targeting Senator Rand Paul for being out of step with the party on Iran, just as he launches his presidential campaign.
These are the lying scum behind the swift-boating of Kerry in '04:
This is not the first major campaign Reed has influenced from the outside. He was the architect of the 2004 “Swiftboat Veterans for Truth” campaign that attacked John Kerry’s national-security record and credentials. His new campaign against Paul will be bigger than even that effort, he said. “Foreign policy has the potential to be as big in this campaign as it was in 2004 or even greater,” Reed said. “To me, given the state of the world, that’s a good thing.” ... -s-big-day

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:23 am
by grunthy ... ents-dime/

Im not sure how anyone couldn't be behind this bill.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:26 am
by PFiDC
Part of me agrees and then I remember that things like going to the pool in the summer and checking out a new movie with the family are, while not rights, things that every family should be able to do together. Are welfare recipients supposed to throw out fun with the family? I am willing to bet that families that spend time together (going to the pool, movies, etc.) have a greater chance of rebounding and getting off welfare than families who don't.

I have no problem with them spending money on time out with their family.

Tattoos and gambling, now those are a different story. The bill would (probably) need rewording.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:32 am
by DigitalGypsy66
Source of the post North Chuck is not a place I would spend very much time.
Yeah, I lived there before moving to my current city. We got out in the nick of time, as our house sold last year for $40K less than we sold it for in 2007. And this is a mile from the huge Boeing plant, and two miles from the Air Force Base. :pop:

There are some great neighborhoods that are on the upswing. There are middle class neighborhoods on the precipice of collapse. And then there are the drug-crime-gang neighborhoods.

I'm glad they charged him quickly. He won't last long in prison though. Aren't cops lower than child molesters in the prison hierarchy?

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:35 am
by DigitalGypsy66
This story makes me ill: ... olice-say/
Accidental carbon monoxide poisoning killed a single father and his seven children in their one-story Maryland Eastern Shore home on Monday, police said.

Lloyd Edwards told The Associated Press that his stepson, 36-year-old Rodney Todd, had bought a generator after the power was shut off to the home in Princess Anne, about 60 miles southeast of Annapolis. Edwards told the AP that the victims included Todd and Todd's two sons and five daughters.

"It was just disbelief. It's so hard. How can you understand something like this?" Edwards said. "He was an outstanding dad. ... To keep his seven children warm, he bought a generator, and the carbon monoxide consumed them."

Princess Anne Police Chief Scott Keller said Tuesday that the Delmarva Power company has been subpoenaed to document exactly when it cut off power to the home.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:36 am
by count2infinity
More clickbait for shad...